


艦名 建造廠 簽約時間 安放龍骨 下水時間 服役時間 除役時間 除籍時間 備註
LST-1179 Newport Philadelphia Naval Shipyard 1964/12/29 1966/11/1 1968/2/3 1969/6/7 1992/9/30 2001/5/32移交墨西哥,更名為Papaloapan (A-411)
LST-1180 Manitowac Philadelphia Naval Shipyard 1965/12/29 1967/2/27 1969/1/4 1970/1/24 1993/6/30 2002/7/23 1995/7/14移交台灣(租借),更名為中和(LST-232),1997/5/8服役
LST-1181 Sumter Philadelphia Naval Shipyard 1965/12/29 1967/11/14 1969/12/13 1970/6/20 1993/9/30 2002/7/23 1995/7/14移交台灣(租借),更名為中平(LST-233),1997/5/8服役
LST-1182 Fresno National Steel and Shipbuilding Company 1966/7/15 1967/12/16 1968/9/28 1969/11/22 1993/4/8 2009售予秘魯
LST01183 Peoria National Steel and Shipbuilding Company 1966/7/15 1968/2/24 1968/11/23 1970/2/21 1994/1/28 2004/7/12作為演習標靶時沈沒
LST-1184 Frederick National Steel and Shipbuilding Company 1966/7/15 1968/4/13 1969/3/8 1970/4/11 2002/10/5 2002/11/6 2002/11/22移交墨西哥,更名為Usumacinta (A-412)
LST-1185 Schenectady National Steel and Shipbuilding Company 1966/7/15 1968/8/2 1969/5/24 1970/6/13 1993/11/15 2004/11/23作為靶艦擊沈
LST-1186 Cayuga National Steel and Shipbuilding Company 1966/7/15 1968/9/28 1969/7/12 1970/8/8 1994/8/26 2002/7/23 1996/11/30決定提供給巴西,2001/1/24移交,更名為Mattoso Maia (G-28)
LST-1187 Tuscaloosa National Steel and Shipbuilding Company 1966/7/15 1968/11/23 1969/9/6 1970/10/24 1994/2/18 備役艦
LST-1188 Saginaw National Steel and Shipbuilding Company 1966/7/15 1969/5/24 1970/2/7 1971/1/23 1994/6/28 1994/6/28 除役後移交澳洲,更名為Kanimbla(L-51),1994/9/27服役
LST-1189 San Bernardino National Steel and Shipbuilding Company 1966/7/15 1969/7/12 1970/3/28 1971/3/27 1995/9/30 1995/9/30移交智利,更名為Valdivia (LST-93),1995/12/1服役,2011/1/14除役
LST-1190 Boulder County National Steel and Shipbuilding Company 1966/7/15 1969/9/6 1970/4/22 1971/6/4 1994/2/28 2008/12/1 備役艦
LST-1191 Racine National Steel and Shipbuilding Company 1966/7/15 1969/12/13 1970/8/15 1971/7/9 1993/10/2 2009售予秘魯
LST-1192 Spartanburg County National Steel and Shipbuilding Company 1966/7/15 1970/2/7 1970/11/7 1971/9/1 1994/12/16 1994/12/16 1994/12/16移交馬來西亞,更名為Sri Inderapura (L-1505),1995/1/31服役,2009/10/8火災焚燬,2010/1/21除役
LST-1193 Fairfax County National Steel and Shipbuilding Company 1966/7/15 1970/3/28 1970/12/19 1971/10/16 1994/8/17 1994/8/17 除役後移交澳大利亞,1994/11/25服役,更名為Manoora (L-52),2011除役
LST-1194 La Moure County National Steel and Shipbuilding Company 1966/7/15 1970/5/22 1971/2/13 18 Dec 1971 2000/11/17 2000/11/17 2000/9/12擱淺,放棄修復,2001/7作為靶艦擊沈
LST-1195 Barbour County National Steel and Shipbuilding Company 1966/7/15 1970/11/7 1971/5/15 1972/2/12 1992/3/30 2001/7/13 原訂租給馬來西亞,但未執行。2004/4/6作為靶艦擊沈
LST-1196 Harlan County National Steel and Shipbuilding Company 1966/7/15 1970/11/7 1971/7/24 1972/4/8 1995/4/14 2002/7/23 1998/7/14售予西班牙,更名為Pizarro (L-42) ,2000/4/27交付。2012/12/14除役
LST-1197 Barnstable County National Steel and Shipbuilding Company 1966/7/15 1996/7/15 1970/12/19 1972/5/27 1994/6/29 2002/7/23 除役後移交西班牙,更名為Hernán Cortés(L-41),1994/8/26服役,2009/11/13除役
LST-1198 Bristol County National Steel and Shipbuilding Company 1966/7/15 1971/2/13 1971/12/4 1972/8/5 1994/7/29 1994/7/29 1994/8/16移交摩洛哥,更名為Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah